Jack Cimo è un chitarrista classico americano noto per la sua potente presenza scenica, bel suono ed emozionanti interpretazioni. Suona spesso in recital solistici e come solista con orchestra. Di recente ha suonato…
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As the Emotional and Spiritual Wellness Committee of the Dixie Fire Collaborative began organizing commemorative events for the Dixie Fire, they recognized how widespread the impacts of the Dixie Fire were across all of Plumas County. This view was further expanded when they recognized the impacts of the Bear and Minerva fire. Therefore the decision was made to organize a series of events which would, as much as possible, encompass all of the emotions and impacts of these terrible fire seasons, bring solace and completion to those who suffered most, and serve as a marker for all to move forward toward a better future.
Sunday, Nov. 24, USC Thornton Classical Guitar faculty members William Kanengiser and Scott Tennant (of the GRAMMY-winning Los Angeles Guitar Quartet) and USC Thornton flamenco virtuoso and faculty member Adam del Monte will perform in a benefit concert, “Recuerdos de Paradise,” to support the victims of the Paradise Fire in 2018. Performing alongside them are flamenco guitarist Berto Boyd and USC Thornton Classical Guitar alum Jack Cimo (BM ’11).
“I was led first to the 14th floor where classical guitarist Jack Cimo had already started playing in a hallway. With the exception of a few nurses, the hallways were mostly empty. Some of the patients had their doors open so they could hear the music. One woman invited Jack into her room and he sat by her bed and played the prelude to Bach’s 6th Suite for Cello. Unbelievably gorgeous.“
Jack Cimo, a celebrated guitarist and rising star in the world of classical music, will play an exciting concert of Spanish, Italian, and Brazilian works, as well as selections from his new self-titled album.
Febbraio 2024
San Luis Obispo, CA Concert with Symphony of the Vines
Ottobre 2023
Baja California, Mexico Tour starting in Tijuana and going South
Luglio 2023
Lucerne, Switzerland Kultur im Salon Series
Aprile 17, 2023
Venice, Italy
Morgan O’hara Studio
Aprile 6, 2023
Chambery, France Guitare En Alpes Festival
Febbraio 26, 2023
Palermo, Italy
Mojo Moonsession
Gennaio 10, 2023
Milano, Italy
Combo Milano
Ottobre 14-15, 2022
Grand Junction, CO Western Colorado Guitar Society
Ottobre 6-8, 2022
Salt Lake City, UT Concert and Masterclass for Utah Classical Guitar Society
Ottobre 1, 2022
Chico, CA Classical Guitar Project
Settembre 16-18, 2022
San Luis Obispo, CA California International Guitar Festival